This Week's Front Page

The flu is something no one wants to have, regardless of what year it is or what can be done to prevent it. But due to increased flu activity caused by the prevalence of H1N1 (or swine flu), in addition to the presence of typical seasonal flu strains, it seems like a good idea to review what sort of prevention efforts are ongoing at Case Western Reserve University.
In a letter to the editor published in the Sept. 18 issue of The Observer, Dr. Joseph Keiper lists several grievances he has with the film [I directed]. I'm sorry to hear he's unhappy with the documentary, but I don't apologize for the film and will defend it wholeheartedly.
In response to your Sept. 25 article "Crawford Auto-Aviation Museum to auction $1 million in cars," this [situation] is an absolute travesty.
I would like to thank the editors of The Observer for recognizing the sale of some priceless automobiles ("Crawford Auto-Aviation Museum to auction $1 million in cars," Sept. 25). And I understand that the reporter tried to get both sides of the story, but I do not believe that he understood that the Western Reserve Historical Society is feigning stupidity in many ways.
Freshman year holds so many opportunities. We come to college, bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to take on new challenges and experience new opportunities. Unfortunately for many of us, we get distracted by school work and meeting new people, then find we are unable to really try everything that we set out to do in order to get the full 'college experience.
One would quite understandably assume that by traveling to a foreign country where another language is spoken to study abroad for an extended period of time, immersion is the term one would ascribe to the experience.